AI in the News Archives | DataRobot AI Platform Deliver Value from AI Thu, 09 May 2024 17:42:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DataRobot Recognized by Customers with TrustRadius Top Rated Award for Third Consecutive Year Thu, 09 May 2024 17:42:48 +0000 We’re thrilled to share that our customers have recognized DataRobot in the TrustRadius Top Rated Award in the following categories: Data science, Machine learning, Predictive analytics. Learn more

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Our mission at DataRobot has been to help customers use AI to drive business value. 

Business value is built into our DNA, and nothing is better than hearing the success stories directly from our customers.

We’re thrilled to share that our customers have recognized DataRobot in the TrustRadius Top Rated Award for the third consecutive year in the following categories:

  • Data science
  • Machine learning
  • Predictive analytics

We are incredibly proud of this award — based solely on customer reviews.

About TrustRadius

TrustRadius is a buyer intelligence platform for business technology and its annual Top Rated Awards are based entirely on customer feedback – they aren’t influenced by outside opinion. TrustRadius looks at the recency of reviews, relevancy of products compared to others in the same category, and overall ratings. 

With a trScore of 8.8 out of 10 and nearly 60 verified reviews from our customers, we’re proven as one of the most valuable platforms in our industry, with demonstrated impact and results.

Why our customers trust DataRobot

In their own words, our customers share the wins they’ve experienced by using the DataRobot AI Platform:

When I spoke with our Chief Customer Officer, Jay Schuren, he shared his sincere appreciation for our brilliant customers and thanked them for this recognition. He said:

We continually strive to wow our customers. The Top Rated Award is only made possible by our customers’ success. When our customers win, we join them in celebrating the business transformations made possible with AI.
Jay Schuren

Chief Customer Officer

Learn more

Hear how customers deliver AI value at FordDirect, Freddie Mac, 84.51°, and many more.  

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Belong @ DataRobot: Celebrating 2024 Women’s History Month with DataRobot AI Legends Thu, 28 Mar 2024 16:18:44 +0000 As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we caught up with DataRobot AI Legends and asked them questions about confidence, resiliency, and career.

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The DataRobot Belong Community Women@DR was established to bring together women and allies at DataRobot for support, networking, encouragement, resources, and community. We’ve celebrated successes and accomplishments, created safe environments to support each other through difficulties, and created both space for vulnerability and a sounding board for ideas and action. 

We developed a mission to serve our community thoughtfully.

Women@DR seeks to create, promote and expand an inclusive culture that connects, educates and advances the needs, professional goals, and aspirations of female-identifying members and allies.

As we celebrate Women’s History Month and the International Women’s Day in March, we look to our community of strong, resilient, and skillful leaders to set the tone. In our February 2024 global company kick off, 7 women were celebrated as DataRobot AI Legends. They were honored as the embodiment of DataRobot values and success.

We caught up with some of these trailblazers and asked them questions that might inspire others to become legendary:

  • How have you built confidence and/or resiliency over the course of your career?
  • What advice would you give a female identifying person who is just starting their career?

Here’s what they had to say …

Ina Ko

Ina Ko, Senior Product Director, Customer Engineering

How have you built confidence and/or resiliency over the course of your career?

Building confidence and resilience over the course of my career has involved embracing humility, seeking new challenges, using a supportive network for guidance and feedback, and focusing on the impact of my work. Recognizing the fluidity of life and career paths as growth opportunities rather than setbacks has been essential. This mindset has helped me navigate uncertainties, turn failures into lessons, and embrace continuous learning and adaptation.

What advice would you give a female identifying person who is just starting their career?

For women just starting their careers, my advice is to focus on your unique journey without comparing yourself to others. Embrace change, as it brings valuable lessons that refine your path to success. Cultivate a mindset of positive intent and seek to understand the motivations of your colleagues and peers. This approach will help you foster a collaborative environment by building deep and authentic connections with those you work alongside. Embrace every opportunity to grow, lean into changes, and remember that your unique contributions and resilience will define your path.

Julia Townsend

Julia Townsend, Director, Revenue Strategy & Execution

How have you built confidence and/or resiliency over the course of your career?

When I first started out back in the day, I had a big goal I wanted to achieve and everything I did was chosen to chip away at the goal.  This really helped me see a bigger picture and not get too down when stumbling blocks came along. I also have a personal mantra that ‘this is one moment, and will pass with time’, that really helps!

Embracing new opportunities when they come up, even if you think you might not have all the skills you think are needed, has led to some interesting career experiences for me. This has made me feel confident that I can turn my hand to new projects even if I do not have all the answers right away.

What advice would you give a female identifying person who is just starting their career?

I would recommend really taking the time to invest in building relationships and champions across the business.  This is such a great career and life skill that is essential to master in order to get things done and have trust and influence.  This has a lasting impact for every new move you make.

Brook Miller

Brook Miller, Senior Director, Demand Planning, Creative, & APAC Marketing

How have you built confidence and/or resiliency over the course of your career?

For me, confidence comes from knowing that mastery isn’t the end goal for me. Instead, I choose to embrace a mindset of continual learning and build confidence through collaborating with people who can teach me new things as well as sharing my own experience with others. 

In the times where I need to draw on resilience, I find that zooming out to the bigger picture to gain some perspective really helps. By viewing the tough times as just a chapter in the overall story of your career, you can keep moving forward without being consumed by what’s happening in the present moment. It’s also ok to ask for help, say you don’t know the answer or take some time out to reset when needed.

What advice would you give a female identifying person who is just starting their career?

Take the time to understand yourself, your strengths and where you can contribute and then put your hand up for something that scares you every year. The right mindset will take you very far while you’re building your skillset. Align yourself with the people you admire and want to learn from and don’t be afraid to ask them for guidance. One day you’ll be able to give that same gift to someone else.

Katherine Stepanova

How have you built confidence and/or resiliency over the course of your career?

Building confidence and resilience is a process that requires a lot of patience, support from others, both professionally and personally, and lots of hard work. My confidence and resilience, first and foremost, come from my grandma, an incredibly strong woman who had gone through a myriad of challenges in her life and was able to embrace the challenges and overcome difficulties and failures. She taught me from early childhood that girls can do anything they set out to do if they get educated, work hard, practice commendable work ethic no matter what they do, and believe in themselves. She’s been my biggest cheerleader all my life, and I’m eternally grateful to her for that, and that’s something I will try to pass onto my daughter as well.    

What advice would you give a female identifying person who is just starting their career?

Build a strong support system, both professionally and personally. There will be good days and bad ones, bumps on the road, but with a strong support system you’ll never lose the desire and ability to move forward, reflect on the challenges, and overcome difficulties. Don’t forget to enjoy the journey! 

Sahana Sundara Raj Sreenath

Sahana Sreenath, Lead, Database Engineer

How have you built confidence and/or resiliency over the course of your career?

For me, it has been through stepping out of my comfort zone and taking on tasks I found challenging initially. Reaching out readily when in need of guidance and not being afraid of making mistakes in the beginning all make for a solid foundation to build on.  

What advice would you give a female identifying person who is just starting their career?

I found the following very helpful when starting out: 1) Remaining curious everyday will carry you far and help you to learn the intricacies of your roles and responsibilities better, 2) Frequently soliciting and incorporating feedback will enable you to become more efficient in the workplace, and 3) Continue to stay motivated and dedicated, develop a strong work ethic, challenge yourself whenever possible and your work will speak for itself!

Teresa Gearin

Teresa Gearin, Marketing Operations Project Manager

How have you built confidence and/or resiliency over the course of your career?

Embracing change! Change is inevitable and sometimes feels constant but learning to adapt and being open to learning and enhancing your skills makes change feel less cumbersome and more like an opportunity. I am always actively seeking ways to improve my environment whether it is processes, organization tactics, or just in the way I think and perceive any situation. This has helped me build the confidence needed to navigate male dominated industries/teams, tough situations, and advocate for myself. At the end of the day I am my greatest ally and worst critic, practicing balancing the two helps. 

What advice would you give a female identifying person who is just starting their career?

Your voice matters! Learn to embrace the power of advocating for yourself and others confidently and assertively. Your time, experiences, and thoughts are valuable. Always be coachable, proactive in your learning and development, and honest with yourself about what you truly value and strive for it. 

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Reflecting on the Richness of Black Art Thu, 29 Feb 2024 17:45:21 +0000 As Black History Month comes to a close, it's essential to take a moment to reflect on this year's theme, "Black Art - The Infusion of African, Caribbean, and Black American Lived Experiences."

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As Black History Month comes to a close, it’s essential to take a moment to reflect on this year’s theme, “Black Art – The Infusion of African, Caribbean, and Black American Lived Experiences.” 

Our employee business resource community, BEACON, embarked on a purposeful journey to celebrate and amplify the voices of Black artists. This theme served as the guiding light for BEACON’s initiatives throughout the month, creating a unique and dynamic space for exploration, education, and celebration.

Personally, the exploration of Black Art during this month has been a journey of discovery and connection. The infusion of African, Caribbean, and Black American lived experiences in art has provided a lens through which to appreciate the depth of cultural narratives, the resilience of communities, and the celebration of identity.

It’s a reminder that art is not merely an expression; it is a testament to the collective experiences that shape our perceptions of the world.

With BEACON, the celebration of Black History Month took on a unique and dynamic form. This year, we chose to amplify the voices of Black employees at DataRobot through a dedicated podcast focused on the theme of Black Art. The episode delved into the intricate stories behind various art forms, exploring how they serve as vessels for cultural preservation, activism, and personal expression. 

Celebrating Black History Month

In producing the podcast episode, we witnessed firsthand the power of storytelling in fostering understanding and unity. The narratives shared by our guests illuminated the often-overlooked aspects of Black art, showcasing its ability to challenge stereotypes, inspire change, and foster a sense of pride within the community.

As we bid farewell to Black History Month, the echoes of the conversations, stories, and artistic expressions linger. The theme of Black Art has left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness, catalyzing continued exploration, dialogue, and celebration of the rich tapestry that makes up the Black experience. The journey does not end here; it’s a continuous exploration of the interconnectedness of our stories and the profound impact of Black Art on shaping a more inclusive and understanding world.

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Beyond Differences, Embracing the Journey: A New Year’s Resolution for a Better Tomorrow Tue, 23 Jan 2024 18:54:46 +0000 The dawn of a new year presents us with the opportunity to set intentions that go beyond personal aspirations—this year, let's make it a collective commitment to foster Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) in every aspect of our lives.

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As we bid farewell to the old year and welcome the promise of a new beginning, there’s no better time to reflect on our collective journey toward a more inclusive and equitable future. The dawn of a new year presents us with the opportunity to set intentions that go beyond personal aspirations—this year, let’s make it a collective commitment to foster Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) in every aspect of our lives.

In this blog, we’ll explore the power of our DEIB communities as one transformative force, delve into the importance of creating spaces that embrace everyone’s unique narratives, and share practical resolutions to help us all weave the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging into the fabric of our daily lives. As we step into the unknown of this new year, let’s embark on a journey together—one that champions unity, celebrates differences, and shapes a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow for all.

In 2023, the Belong Community Leaders came together to create a space for meaningful discussions on relevant topics called Beyond Differences. This series of internal events is hosted by the Belong communities and open to ALL. The goal is to be Better Together by driving conversation, initiating action, accelerating progress, and facilitating impact.

We had two roundtables discussing cultural differences and diverse networking, and one guest speaker presenting on the topic of cultural competency. As we look forward into 2024, we plan to continue strengthening our communities, fostering real connection, and facilitating empathy and understanding by looking beyond our differences. 

Like last year, we asked our communities what their goals and resolutions are for the coming year.  

Alex Shoop ACTnow removebg previewACTnow! advocates for the diverse needs of all Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander teammates through educational, cultural and social activities. Leader Alex Shoop (he/him).

This year, we celebrate the year of the dragon which symbolizes fortune, resilience, and strength. On behalf of the ACTnow! community, we wish you a happy 2024! We will continue cultivating a space to celebrate Asian traditions, share cultural learnings, and spotlight our diverse employees.

ADAPTADAPT provides education and allyship to advocate for and empower our teammates with disabilities to ensure an inclusive work environment. Leader Chad Harness (he/him).

To enhance the inclusivity and engagement within our ADAPT community, we will initiate weekly discussions centered around “AI and Machine Learning for All.” Our goal is to stimulate active participation, with the aim of increasing the weekly engagement and maintaining active involvement throughout the year. We will collaborate with DataRobot’s AI experts to curate relevant content and insights tailored to inclusivity in AI, fostering a more vibrant and interactive support group.

In order to strengthen advocacy and support within our ADAPT community, we will establish a dedicated space where members can confidentially share concerns or insights related to accessibility and inclusivity. Our goal is to provide timely response or acknowledgment to these insights and concerns.

To further enhance mental health support within our ADAPT community, we will expand the existing resources, offering tech-specific insights and coping strategies.

Lelia Colleybeacon on grayBEACON aims to advance a diverse, inclusive, and equitable community that fosters a culture of belonging for Black teammates both current and future. Leader Lelia Colley (she/her).

In 2023, BEACON ended the year with a focus on community and connection by kicking off our Pages of Inclusion Book Club. These sessions allowed for intentional thought collaboration and to become familiar with Black authors and refreshing concepts. 

When it comes to our focus of 2024, we aim to create a more inclusive, supportive, and empowering environment for black employees and allies at DataRobot by establishing initiatives to support the mental health and well-being of black employees and allies, including mental health resources and open discussions: 

  • Fostering a supportive network among black employees and allies through regular networking events, cross-functional collaborations, and knowledge-sharing forums. 
  • Implementing programs to recognize and celebrate the achievements and contributions of black employees and allies within the organization. Establishing safe spaces for open dialogues where BEACON members can share experiences, concerns, and ideas to foster a more supportive community.
  • Promoting allyship and inclusivity by providing resources and training to DataRobot employees, encouraging active support of marginalized communities.
  • Actively participating in recruitment efforts by collaborating with the People team to identify strategies for attracting and retaining black talent. 
Lisa AguilarLATTITUD is dedicated to connecting the Latin/Hispanic community in a supportive and uplifting environment while creating space to share ideas, struggles, resources, and celebrate our diverse cultures and accomplishments. Leader Lisa Aguilar (she/her).

Em Radkowskipridebots removebg previewPrideBots provides an open, safe, inclusive community where members can connect on common interests or backgrounds and celebrate all sexes, gender identities, gender expressions, and orientations. Leader Em Radkowski (she/her).

Pridebots resolve to lean further into affirming the identities of LGBTQIA+ and questioning team members. We commit to acknowledging and raising awareness about the diverse lived experiences of LGBTQIA+ individuals, recognizing the impact of factors such as race, religion, ethnicity, age, ability status, social class, and other social characteristics.

As part of this commitment, our goal is to advise the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) on opportunities and challenges related to LGBTQIA+ team members. We will advocate for inclusive policies and practices within the organization. Additionally, our community aims to review our health benefits and advise our organization to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their identity, can benefit from comprehensive healthcare services. This goal aligns with our broader commitment to creating a workplace that values diversity and prioritizes the well-being of all employees.

DataRobot VeteransDataRobot Veterans brings together those who have served in all branches of the military for ongoing resources, support and networking. Leader Robert Newsom (he/him).

2024 will be the year when the DataRobot Veterans community launches, starting with an effort to increase channel membership and a poll to identify which components our veterans belong to. We want to give presentations on topics of interest to the community, such as the PACT Act and any company policies regarding mandatory service and recall to active duty.

Teresa Gearinwomen@dr 1024x1024Women @ DR seeks to create, promote and expand an inclusive culture that connects, educates and advances the needs, professional goals and aspirations of our community of female-identifying members and allies. Leader Teresa Gearin (she/her). 

Women@DR is committed to laying a solid foundation for a future mentorship program in 2024, while simultaneously enhancing the overall experience of women within the organization. Our focus is on connecting the community, building allyship, and shining a light on gaps in equity and inclusion. This groundwork will contribute to a more supportive and inclusive workplace for women at every stage of their careers. 

Promoting Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)

Promoting Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) is a collective effort to foster a culture that values and respects differences, for all individuals, at all levels. Here are a few ways you can join this effort in small everyday actions. 

Educate Yourself: Take the initiative to educate yourself on issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Read books, articles, and attend workshops to broaden your understanding.

Listen Actively: Listen to the experiences and perspectives of people from different backgrounds without judgment. Actively seek to understand the challenges faced by others and be empathetic.

Challenge Stereotypes: Speak up when you encounter stereotypes or biased statements. Challenge misconceptions and promote a more accurate understanding of diverse groups.

Use Inclusive Language: Be mindful of the language you use and strive to use inclusive terminology. Avoid making assumptions about people based on stereotypes or preconceived notions.

Amplify Others: Amplify the voices of those who may be marginalized or underrepresented. Give credit where it is due and acknowledge the contributions of others.

Advocate for Inclusive Policies: Support and advocate for workplace policies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. Encourage your organization to adopt practices that create a more inclusive environment.

Call Out Microaggressions: Address microaggressions when you witness them, even if they are subtle. Help create an environment where people feel safe and respected.

Engage in Allyship: Be an ally to individuals from marginalized groups by actively supporting and standing up for them. Use your privilege to advocate for equal opportunities.

Embrace Lifelong Learning: Recognize that promoting DEIB is an ongoing process of learning and unlearning.Stay open to new ideas and be willing to adapt your perspectives based on new information.

Belong @ DataRobot is committed to continuing our journey in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in 2024 by presenting opportunities for the people of DataRobot to actively participate in community, events, education, conversations, and self reflection. We wish everyone a gentle and prosperous 2024. 

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BELONG @ DataRobot: Two Years of Being Better Together Wed, 29 Nov 2023 15:26:54 +0000 As we celebrate our two-year anniversary, it's a wonderful time to reflect on the strides we’ve made along the way, to help people at DataRobot feel like they Belong.

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It’s been two years since we officially launched Belong @ DataRobot.  With the goal to make everyone feel valued and heard, Belong is committed to ensuring that all employees are confident and respected for their unique abilities, secure in the knowledge that they belong at DataRobot. And, as we celebrate our two-year anniversary, it’s a wonderful time to reflect on the strides we’ve made along the way to help people feel like they Belong.

I’d be lying if I said the last year was easy. Like most companies today, we’ve gone through so many changes as an organization and as people. We’ve said goodbye to many colleagues, and welcomed many new ones. We’ve seen the market for AI explode and have been leveraging evolving technologies and evolving our product every day to continue to provide value for our customers. And through it all, we have been there for each other – in our monthly meetings, round tables, one-on-ones. Personally, I worked through finalizing a divorce and found our Women @ DR group to be a real, honest space to share my experience and be heard without judgment or mark on the role that I carry. I know our other employee resource groups have done the same for many others, continuing to hold a safe space to share experiences and bring connection, through all the changes, ups and downs. We established these groups in our first year and they continue to evolve and educate our team members every day:

Belong Logo Final
  • ACTnow! stands for Asians Coming Together Now and cultivates an inclusive space to advocate for the diverse needs of all Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander employees at DataRobot through educational, cultural, and social activities.
  • ADAPT stands for Abled and Disabled Advocating and Partnering Together and provides education and allyship to advocate for and empower DataRobot employees with disabilities to ensure an inclusive work environment.
  • BEACON stands for Black Employees and Allies Changing Outlooks Now and aims to advance a diverse, inclusive, and equitable community that fosters a culture of belonging for Black employees both, current and future. 
  • LATTITUD stands for Latinx, Hispanics and Allies in Tech Together Influencing Technology Inclusion and Uniting for Diversity and is dedicated to connecting the Latin/Hispanic community in a supportive and uplifting environment while creating space to share ideas, struggles, resources, and celebrate our diverse cultures and accomplishments. 
  • PrideBots vision is to provide an open, safe, inclusive community where DataRobot employees can connect on common interests or backgrounds and bring our collective voices together to drive innovation, create opportunities, inspire each other and celebrate all sexes, gender identities, gender expressions, and orientations. We welcome all members of the LGBTQIA+ community as well as allies. 
  • Veterans group brings together those who have served in all branches of the military for ongoing resources, support, and networking. 
  • Women @ DR seeks to create, promote, and expand an inclusive culture that connects, educates, and advances the needs, professional goals, and aspirations of our community of female-identifying members and allies.

As the year continued, we realized that we wanted to bring people together across our resource groups, so we started our ‘Beyond Differences’ Round Tables. In December, we are also kicking off a quarterly ‘Beyond Differences’ Speaker Series, starting with the subject of cultural competence.  

Further, each month, in our Belong Newsletter and Functional All Hands meetings, we share tips and tricks on what it means to be inclusive – we’ve spotlighted subjects such as ‘how to hold inclusive meetings’. And, we have book clubs! Organized by employees who are interested in learning more about each other’s challenges and discussing how to make a bigger impact on this world.

As we look ahead to the future and at the past to help us shape a better future, I’m always reminded of this quote from an adaptation of an article written by Dafina-Lazarus Stewart.  It speaks to the continuous work and the consistent questions that must be asked and answered to bring awareness to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging:

– Diversity Asks: Who is in the room?

– Equity Asks: Who is trying to get in the room but can’t? And what are the barriers? 

– Inclusion Asks: Have everyone’s ideas been heard, respected, and understood? 

– Belonging Asks: Is everyone feeling valued through positive connections with others and able to bring their authentic selves to work?

While we always have room to grow and be better than yesterday, Belong @ DataRobot celebrates the strides we have made over the past two years. As we continue to receive messages that our Belong community has been a safe space that allows people to be themselves during their low moments, we know that our work is making an impact. Belong is a journey of discovery, authenticity, connection, and, most importantly, people. 

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Belong @ DataRobot: Diversity Reflection for Global Diversity Awareness Month Thu, 26 Oct 2023 18:06:44 +0000 With October being Global Diversity Awareness Month, Jeff Gabriel reflects on how his work at DataRobot brings awareness to diverse cultures outside of his own.

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With October being Global Diversity Awareness Month, I was excited to be asked to reflect on how my work at DataRobot brings awareness to diverse cultures outside of my own. I didn’t have to think too hard about saying “yes” to the assignment, and it has been fun to spend time reflecting on how much I’ve learned about and from others in my time at DataRobot. I’ve learned that it’s not about you, the listener, but about others and their experiences, but also that a diverse workplace leads to learning and growth in ways you may not expect and that empathy is the primary requirement for showing up as an ally. But first a little context…

The Diversity of DataRobot

To understand some of the opportunities to be impacted by diverse cultures and groups, you should know that DataRobot is an incredibly widespread global company – especially for a company of its size. It is not unusual to be in a video meeting with people from several different countries every single day. We are also of a size where we’re large enough that many different people groups and social identities are present – but small enough that you tend to know and interact with people regularly, often on a social level. Finally, even with all of this, I would never claim we are a complete model of diversity. We have plenty of work to do, and yet we do have a team makeup that allows me to reflect on the ways in which they have impacted me.

International Conflict

DataRobot is headquartered in Boston and continues to have the largest single cluster of employees in and around the city. However, we have large engineering centers in the Ukrainian cities of Kyiv and Lviv, along with smaller groups in Khmelnytskyi and other locations. The importance of our engineers there has always kept me aware of the little things, like paying attention to others’ holidays, working hours, and, of course, the nuanced turns of phrase we use everyday which mean nothing to people whose native language is not our own. From my first week of employment I learned the proper pronunciation of the Ukrainian capital is “Kyiv”  (‘KEE—yiv’), not “Kiev” (‘kee—EV’), and a few months later, on my first visit to the city in 2018, I learned from my new friends during a walk through a war memorial that Ukraine and Russia have actually been engaged in a hot war over the Crimean peninsula since 2014, and that “people die there all the time, but there is no news about it anymore”. 

Indeed, I was totally unaware of the armed conflict, much less any dispute at all. It was disorienting to learn a fact that was deeply meaningful to my hosts and for which I had no context. This was not only humbling, but made me acutely aware of the need to ask more questions, and to stay alert for learning opportunities. Of course, the world learned to pronounce Kyiv properly when Russia broadened this conflict in February of 2022 after telegraphing its intent to an incredulous world for months. 

The impact on my everyday work with our team members there from that time until now – from my safety and true distance from their experience – has been very meaningful to me. I often hesitate to frame such monumental things in terms of the impact on me, as one of the greatest lessons has been how little any of their experience was about me. In fact my inability to do or say anything truly effective was the starting point of the lessons the morning I started making video calls to check on people back in Feb. 2022. 

The only required response was empathy and understanding. What my team wanted to know from me was that we wouldn’t turn our backs on them as a company and take away their jobs. In the meantime I have grown in fondness for our friends as I have been witness to bravery, resilience, activism, righteous defiance, their continued productive work, and strong relationships which the team in Ukraine has shown throughout. I could say a great deal more, but should avoid writing a book. The point is that culture and geography have some obvious impact in daily life so long as you’re willing to pay attention and learn; and that sometimes the differences can make you feel as if you’re in totally different worlds. But even then, people are similar in their need for your empathy and whatever support you can provide in that moment regardless of your ability to actually experience what they experience. Even while the war in Ukraine continues, a new one is starting in Israel where we also have co-workers and friends. I am no better equipped now to ‘do something’ for these friends than I was before. But I do know that understanding, room for flexibility as they deal with their lives, and an ear to listen as they talk it out free from any commentary, can be impactful in ways I would not have previously understood.

Gender Identity

I was impacted greatly on both a personal and professional level the day one of our employees asked for a 1:1 to tell me that he would soon be coming to work as she, as she was now known everywhere else in her life. There are lots of viewpoints on gender identity, and while I suspect (and hope) that many individual viewpoints are more moderate than the extremes of those who live off their public voices, my own interactions with actual persons had been limited to those who had set their identity long before I knew them.

And in any case, I had not put a lot of thought into what that change would be like. Again, it’s a moment that was not about me, but which I was in and which was profound for me. Here was a long time colleague and friend that was making a bold move to live in a way that would make them happy. What she wanted from me was only my understanding and support. To be clear, she did not need it. She had come to me to say that while she had considered starting over somewhere else, she felt her stellar work record and reputation afforded her the respect to make the change where she was known. I was really moved, and in that moment felt very proud of her for making this stand, and couldn’t express strongly enough my support and appreciation that she would bring her decision to me in a 1:1 conversation. 

Truly great work reputation aside, I thought “who would stand in the way of such a personal decision?”. What I wanted to know was what support would look like for her – and in the first take it was to not treat her differently; it was to respect and model the name change in company communications. For her, it was as simple as that and for me, a seemingly low bar being an ally in my opinion.  

In that moment, it was an emotional reaction to a friend, but the experience makes clear how complicated it is to try and generalize from your own experience into the day-to-day life of another. It’s very much like the old statement, “In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.”  So much is theoretical in understanding other humans lives and experiences. I don’t think it’s so far away that we cannot learn, appreciate others’ views, develop empathy, and even debate things with one another. But having the opportunity to actually interact with those who are living the experience is invaluable. The wider our circle and the more filled with diverse experiences, the greater our opportunity to learn and grow.

Educate Yourself

Perhaps you’ve heard that you shouldn’t make the underrepresented people in your life or work responsible for your diversity program or your personal education. This is great advice. Though you will be educated, proactive engagement is required, and putting the burden on others is like making them a show-pony or telling them that it’s important to them, but not really to you. The final reflection I’ll share is that one of my favorite ways to be impacted by diversity is to get recommendations for a diverse reading list. In the past few years, I’ve picked up “Born in Blackness”, “That’s What She Said: What Men Need to Know…”, “1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus”, a collection of Colson Whitehead novels, “Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality”, “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness”, among others, based on personal discussions and intentionally distributed reading lists within the org. Like I mentioned, you can’t replace practice with theory, but you can get a long way toward preparedness and awareness by reading and educating yourself.

Learning & growth go hand in hand, and, as I said above, interacting with diverse cultures and diverse people groups – and really diversity of any kind that gets you outside of yourself – will grow you as a person. Importantly, it grows your capacity for empathy as you get more information about where others are coming from or going through – not only how you got here or merely what you care about. 

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Belong @ DataRobot: Diversifying Your Network Thu, 07 Sep 2023 13:00:00 +0000 We all benefit from diversity in our networks and organizations because it leads to diversity of thought and more ideas. Learn more.

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We all benefit from diversity in our networks and organizations because it leads to diversity of thought and more ideas. More ideas will lead to improved culture and products. I believe that diversifying your network begins with intention and commitment. 

Early in my career, I focused a lot of my networking on people that I thought were like me. In a lot of ways, I think that is natural. I focused on building professional connections with people that were in my personal sphere or had gone to the same schools as me. That is not bad. I actually think it is probably smart, but it is also limiting. 

When I got into a leadership role and started recruiting, I talked to people in my network to get advice on how to build a strong and diverse team. The advice I got was really insightful. Diverse recruiting begins way before you are actually recruiting. It begins when you are networking with no specific need to hire. The idea is that if you are ‘trying to make a diverse hire’ at hiring time, you have already missed the boat. 

You should be networking constantly with people that don’t look like you to ensure that you have a diverse candidate pool when it becomes time to hire. Then, you can enter a diverse group of candidates into a fair hiring process, constantly check for bias, and hire based on need and fit.  

I was encouraged to go on LinkedIn and spend time connecting with people that are in my field, but have different backgrounds. It’s been a good exercise for me and I now feel more confident in the bench that I have built for recruiting. It’s something that I don’t do perfectly, but I am committed to continuing to work on it. 

At the end of August 2023 the Belong community leaders and I brought together anyone at DataRobot who was interested in discussing potential ways of diversifying their networks. We had brilliant conversations about why having a diverse network was important and discussed actions that could be taken to ensure you don’t miss that boat. We came up with three steps for Diversifying Your Network. 

  1. Examine your network: take stock of the people and composition of your personal network.
  2. Set goals: be realistic about the process and commit to consistently working on the gaps and outcomes you want to achieve.
  3. Mix up your networking: get out of your comfort zone, go to culturally focused events, make intentional connections, etc. 

As we continue to network inside and outside of our companies, dedicating time and energy to creating a diverse network, the effort benefits everyone and creates a solid inclusive culture.

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DataRobot and ADAPT Celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Thu, 20 Jul 2023 17:13:06 +0000 Discover the ADAPT community at DataRobot, empowering employees with disabilities for an inclusive work environment. Learn about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) impact and the ongoing need for advocacy to create an equal and inclusive society.

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At DataRobot, the Abled and Disabled Advocates Partnering Together (ADAPT) Community provides education and allyship to advocate for and empower DataRobot employees with disabilities to ensure an inclusive work environment. We remember that every person has unique abilities, challenges, and support and has had vastly different experiences in the workplace, school, medical community, and society. We celebrate these differences and the unique contributions of each individual, no matter their abilities or disclosure. Today, we celebrate the ADA and affirm the DataRobot commitment to guarantee that people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else to enjoy employment and participate fully in society.

The World Health Organization estimates that 1.3 billion people—or 1 in 6—experience a significant disability today. The odds are quite good that you are someone with a disability or that you know someone with a disability. Until his passing when I was five, I spent much time with my grandfather, who was left paraplegic in a workplace accident and lived before the passage of the ADA. I remember how difficult it was for him to navigate a world with barriers where most perceived none. Parking and bathrooms could change the course of his day. A career of building things with his own hands was no longer possible. Watching him presented my first lessons about systemic inequality and individual perseverance.

Understanding the ADA: An Overview

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), enacted on July 26, 1990, marked a significant turning point in the fight for equal rights and accessibility for people with disabilities. It covers a wide range of disabilities and protects against discrimination in various areas of public life, such as employment (Title I), public services and public transportation (Title II), public accommodations (Title III), telecommunications (Title IV), and miscellaneous provisions (Title V).

For individuals like my grandfather, who lived with disability in a pre-ADA world, the Act would have been a beacon of hope. It mandated reasonable accommodations in workplaces and public spaces, ensuring access to the same opportunities as those without disabilities. Although my grandfather did not live to see its enactment, the ADA represents the societal progress he deserved, a commitment to the dignity and equality of individuals with disabilities.

Impact of the ADA: From Personal and Wider Perspectives

Reflecting on my grandfather’s experiences, I can imagine how the ADA would have transformed his life. From enabling easier access to public spaces through ramps and elevators to ensuring fair treatment in employment, the ADA could have offered him a newfound sense of freedom and equality.

While my grandfather didn’t live to see this landmark legislation, it’s essential to recognize the substantial societal shifts the ADA has brought about. It has spurred changes in physical infrastructure, with public places like parks, restaurants, and theaters becoming more accessible. The Act promotes inclusivity in workplaces by requiring reasonable accommodations for disabled employees. Public transportation and telecommunications have evolved, prioritizing accessibility for all citizens, regardless of their physical abilities.

However, the ADA’s impact extends beyond the tangible, changing societal attitudes toward disability. People with disabilities are no longer viewed solely through the lens of their impairments but are recognized for their capabilities and contributions. My grandfather’s experiences highlight the pre-ADA struggles, and the Act’s inception, although too late for him, demonstrates a significant step towards inclusivity, equality, and dignity for all.

The ADA’s Future: The Need for Continued Advocacy

As we look back on the transformation brought about by the ADA, we also recognize the work still to be done. Reflecting on my grandfather’s experiences, it’s clear that the protections and accommodations the ADA mandates would have made a substantial difference in his life. However, the struggle for full accessibility and equality continues.

While society has made significant progress, challenges persist. Individuals with disabilities still face barriers in areas not fully addressed by the ADA, such as housing and healthcare. Furthermore, enforcement of the ADA is often inconsistent, leading to disparities in accessibility across different regions and sectors. 

Remembering my grandfather reminds me of the necessity for continued advocacy. The ADA is a powerful tool, but we need ongoing effort, vigilance, and social commitment to realize its full potential. This is not just about laws and regulations; it’s about our collective pursuit of a more inclusive, equal, and understanding society.

ADAPT is critical to that pursuit at DataRobot. I couldn’t be prouder or more humbled by the opportunity to lead, actively advocate, and raise awareness around disability in the workplace and beyond. With the company’s support and many dedicated colleagues, we’ll continue to realize the dream behind the ADA here at DataRobot.

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Championing Inclusion: Elevating Benefits for LGBTQIA Employees Tue, 20 Jun 2023 13:00:00 +0000 DataRobot is committed to creating a stronger sense of belonging by addressing the unique healthcare needs of our LGBTQIA employees.

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In today’s diverse and inclusive world, fostering a workplace environment that supports the well-being of all employees is not only a moral imperative but also a smart business strategy. Companies that prioritize the health and happiness of their LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, and Asexual) employees demonstrate their commitment to equality and create a stronger sense of belonging within their organization. In this blog, we will explore how companies can enhance their health benefits to better serve the unique needs of LGBTQIA employees, fostering a workplace culture that embraces diversity and promotes overall well-being.

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and Support Networks

Creating safe spaces within the workplace is crucial for LGBTQIA employees to feel valued and supported. Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) dedicated to LGBTQIA individuals can play a pivotal role in fostering a sense of community, offering mentorship opportunities, and advocating for policies that promote inclusivity.

Support networks, both online and offline, can also be established to facilitate peer connections, share experiences, and provide a platform for support and advice. These initiatives not only help LGBTQIA employees navigate their personal and professional lives but also demonstrate the company’s commitment to creating an inclusive culture.

Here at DataRobot, we just celebrated the second birthday of our Pridebot community. Pridebot’s vision is to provide an open, safe, inclusive community where DataRobot employees can connect on common interests or backgrounds and bring our collective voices together to drive innovation, create opportunities, inspire each other and celebrate all sexes, gender identities, gender expressions, and orientations. We welcome all members of the LGBTQIA community, as well as allies.

Comprehensive Healthcare Coverage

To create an inclusive healthcare plan, companies should ensure that their health benefits cover a wide range of services relevant to LGBTQIA individuals. This includes comprehensive coverage for gender-affirming treatments and surgeries, hormone replacement therapy, fertility treatments, adoption care, and mental health support tailored to the unique challenges faced by the LGBTQIA community. 

By partnering with insurance providers that specialize in LGBTQIA healthcare, companies can offer plans that address the specific needs of transgender and gender-nonconforming employees, ensuring access to necessary procedures and medications without excessive financial burdens.

Mental Health Support

LGBTQIA individuals often face higher rates of mental health challenges due to societal prejudice, discrimination, and stigmatization. Recognizing this, companies should prioritize mental health support as a fundamental component of their employee benefits package.

By offering comprehensive mental health benefits that include counseling, therapy, and support groups, companies can empower LGBTQIA employees to seek the help they need. Additionally, training managers and HR personnel to be sensitive to the unique experiences of LGBTQIA employees and fostering a supportive work environment can make a significant positive impact on overall mental well-being.

Belong Logo Final

Cultural Competency Training

Companies should invest in providing cultural competency training to all employees, promoting awareness, understanding, and empathy towards LGBTQIA individuals. These training programs can address unconscious biases, debunk stereotypes, and provide education on appropriate language and respectful communication.

By enhancing the cultural competency of all staff members, companies create an environment that promotes respect and inclusion, ensuring that LGBTQIA employees feel comfortable and valued at work.

Partnering with LGBTQIA Organizations

Collaborating with LGBTQIA organizations can provide valuable insights and resources for companies seeking to improve their health benefits for employees. These organizations often have extensive knowledge and experience in advocating for LGBTQIA rights and can offer guidance on policy development, health initiatives, and employee support programs.

Partnering with such organizations also demonstrates a company’s commitment to external inclusivity efforts, further enhancing its reputation as an LGBTQIA-friendly employer.

In conclusion, creating better health benefits for LGBTQIA employees requires a comprehensive and thoughtful approach. By embracing inclusivity in healthcare coverage, prioritizing mental health support, fostering employee resource groups and support networks, providing cultural competency training, and partnering with LGBTQIA organizations, companies can elevate their health benefits offerings and create an environment where LGBTQIA employees feel valued, respected, and supported.

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Belong @ DataRobot: AAPI Heritage Month with the ACTnow! Community Thu, 25 May 2023 13:00:00 +0000 DataRobot ACTnow! (Asians Coming Together Now) community honors their legacy and celebrates Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month.

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May marks the celebration of Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. Also known as Asian-American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month, it is a time to celebrate the rich and diverse cultures, histories, and contributions of these communities. The AAPI community is composed of people with roots in more than 20 countries and regions, spanning from East Asia to Southeast Asia, South Asia to the Pacific Islands. They represent a wide range of languages, religions, traditions, and experiences.

This month, the DataRobot ACTnow! (Asians Coming Together Now) community honors their legacy and celebrates this month with spotlight programs of our employees and inspirational figures, as well as educational materials to learn more about the history of AAPI and to appreciate our familial origins.

I identify as an Asian-American since I’m part Japanese from my mother and part American from my father. Growing up, I remember visiting my Japanese side of the family during summer vacation for family get-togethers to pray for our ancestors and for summer activities, such as fireworks at our house in the countryside. Another unique skill of being an Asian-American is communicating in a native Asian language, which for me, is Japanese. I’m fortunate to be able to keep up my Japanese fluency, and I believe it’s important to have non-English conversations with friends, family, and locals, especially the elderly. Having an awareness and understanding of one’s culture and family background helps us better understand the origins of who we are today.

In the spirit of sharing stories from the AAPI community at DataRobot, please meet Angie Bonin, Director of Field Marketing and Global Events and Experiences. Here, she shares her heritage with us and how it has impacted her life.

Angie Bonin, Director, Field Marketing and Global Events & Experiences 

Angeline Bonin

I am both of Chinese and Hawaiian descent.  In both cultures, family is extremely important, especially respecting your elders.  My grandfather was 100% Chinese, and my grandmother was 50% Hawaiian.  They met in Hawai’i. Both have since passed, but I always try to remember history through their eyes.  When my grandpa was young, he lived in Hawai’i and watched the bombing of Pearl Harbor from his rooftop.  He later served in the USMC with tours in both Korea and Vietnam where he was an engineer and built bridges.  He is currently laid to rest at The National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific Punchbowl in Honolulu, Hawai’i, and my grandmother will be buried with him there later this month.  It’s important to look at the historical events of our country, the outcomes, and how it has affected and shaped the lives of individuals in the AAPI community through generations.

One core memory is from when I was in 5th grade. Because I am of Native Hawaiian descent, I was given the opportunity to go to Hawai’i and attend a summer program at Kamehameha called Explorations Ho’omaka’ikai’.  It was a one-week boarding program that provided foundational Hawaiian values and practices through hands-on activities like lei and ipu making, hula dancing, learning the Hawaiian language and songs, and visiting cultural sites like Iolani Palace.  Growing up in the suburbs of Chicago, this was an experience that stuck with me forever.  It was the first time in my life that I was surrounded by other kids and people who looked just like me.  Being Hawaiian has always made me unique, but it took me a long time, even after my experience in Hawai’i, to understand that while Hawaii is a part of the United States, it has its own deep roots and culture that is not obvious to most and, unfortunately, fading.  

This month and beyond, I encourage people to self-reflect and take a look at some of the enrichment they enjoy, like vacation destinations, activities, and food, and remember that these are important identifiers of Pacific Islander culture and heritage.  Help us celebrate by being good stewards of our resources and history. 

Our goal is to bring cultural awareness, education and community to DataRobot by celebrating our people’s cultures. 

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