ODSC East 2024
April 23-25, 2024
Hynes Convention Center | Boston, MA
Welcome to ODSC
Learn, connect, and grow with 3800+ data scientists and speakers, both in-person and virtually, at ODSC East 2024.
Over the course of 3 days, ODSC East will provide expert-led instruction in machine learning, deep learning, NLP, MLOps, and more through hands-on training sessions, immersive workshops, and talks. You’ll also have the chance to share insights and build new connections through various events, from the ODSC Networking Reception to Book Signing Sessions with expert speakers.
With 300 hours of content, ODSC East has something for every data scientist, from beginner to advanced.
Hands-on Lab
3:30pm ET
Lights, Camera, AI Action: Building a Movie Pitch Combining Generative and Predictive AI with DataRobot
Calling all AI builders! Join this exciting hands-on lab where you’ll create your own AI-powered movie pitch predictor using DataRobot.Discover how to combine the magic of predictive and generative AI to generate captivating movie pitches and predict their box office potential. Get ready to fine-tune responses and craft engaging prompts with our LLM playground. Don’t miss this opportunity to sit in the film producer’s chair and let AI guide you to the next blockbuster hit!
Read More about session
Lead Data Scientist, DataRobot
Helping the World Make Better Decisions, Faster
Helping the World Make Better Decisions, Faster
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